RiaaMix Vol. 1
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Jay-Z, Recording Artist


The greatest rapper ever to live, or so he boasts on the Black Album, Hova's final missive to the hip-hop community.

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Download free samplepacks to make your own RIAA-Mixes!

RIAA-Mix Samplepacks

To encourage the proliferation of challenging new musical forms, the RIAA and Overpeer/Loudeye have been vigorously distributing rare, exclusive RIAA-Mixes along the Kazaa/Fasttrack network for nearly two years. To help them reach their goal of renewed interest in free/noise music, we've created a samplepack from the RIAA-Mixed files in our collection. Feel free to use these bits and distribute your own RIAA-Mixes as far and as freely as possible!


Last updated on 16 August 2005